Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Monthly Sewing Meetings Begin in January

I overcommitted for the month of December as usual. I'm guessing that most of us will be busy during Christmas-time, so lets begin our monthly sewing meetings at BACC in the new year. Please mark your calendars for Saturday January 6th at 8:00 am. We will be meeting at the Bay Area Community Church, bring your sewing machines!

1 comment:

Feeling Simply Quilty said...

Like fat quarters, 1/4 inch seams, and cutting wheels, over committment is a quilter thing. We are generally giving folks that have a hard time saying no. There are, however, a lot worse things we could be saying yes to, so I'm trying to enjoy my yesiness, but still want to embrace my noness...smile...have a great and fulfilled day!